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2011-12-05 11:16  作者:  来源:考试大  字号:T|T


  1、Over the past 90 years, Chinese Communists and the people of all ethnic groups in China have, through indomitable struggles, achieved major successes in revolution, development and reform. Today, a vibrant socialist China has emerged in the East, and the 1.3 billion Chinese people are forging ahead full of confidence under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  2、In the 170 plus years since the Opium War of 1840, our great country has weathered untold hardships, our great nation has waged earthshaking struggles, and our great people have scored splendid achievements in the annals of history.
  3、Following the Opium War, China gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and foreign powers stepped up their aggression against China. The feudal rule became increasingly corrupt, the country was devastated by incessant wars and turbulence, and the Chinese people suffered from hunger, cold, and oppression. To salvage China from subjugation was an urgent mission for the Chinese nation. And the Chinese people faced the historic tasks of winning independence and liberation, and making China strong and prosperous.
  中国共产党人和全国人民:Chinese communists and people of all ethnics
  through indomitablestruggles, achieved major successes in revolution, development and reform
  这里的前赴后继不必直译为死了一个又上一个,前赴后继和顽强奋斗意思是重叠的,可译为:through indomitable struggles.
  在中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜指引下:under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics
  Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristic and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderate Prosperous Society in all Respects.
  中华民族伟大复兴:the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
  1840年鸦片战争:Opium War of 1840
  伟大的国家、民族、人民:our great country/nation/people
  经历刻骨铭心的磨难、进行感天动地的奋斗、创造彪炳史册的伟业:weather untold hardership, wage earthshaking struggles, score splendid achievements in the annals of history
  逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会:gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society
  列强:foreign powers
  对中国的侵略步步紧逼:step up their aggression against China
  封建统治日益腐朽:fedual rule became increasing corrupt
  祖国山河破碎、战乱不已,人民饥寒交迫、备受奴役: the country was devastated by incessant wars and turbulence, and the Chinese people suffered from hunger, cold, and oppression.
  救亡图存:salvage China from subjugation

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