

2011-06-30 09:53  作者:  来源:口译网  字号:T|T

摘要:女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 明年是中德建交40周年。按照中国人的说法,四十而不惑,这就是说中德关系已经到了成熟的阶段。发展中德关系,对


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Next year will be the 40th year of China-Germany diplomatic ties. We Chinese have a saying, "At the age of 40, one has no doubts about the world." And that is exactly how I feel about China-Germany relations. These relations have matured. To strengthen these relations is good for both our nations, good for the EU, and good for the rest of the world. The German Enlightenment thinker Gottfried Leibnitz observed in the Novissima Sinica that "The two sides both have the abilities they could usefully share with each other". Mr. Deng Xiaoping also said that "Europe and Asia are actually one continent. You are in the west, we are in the east. And we are connected by far more factors than people realize." Let us keep on pursuing mutual benefit with unshakeable commitment and confidence and work hard to till the fertile land of China-Europe friendship. I am convinced that the seeds of friendship we have sown together will grow into giant trees, and our win-win cooperation will bear rich fruit.


Thank you.



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