

2011-07-01 10:39  作者:  来源:口译网  字号:T|T

摘要:Next is the number four. Premier Wen Jiaobao has just concluded his fourth visit to Britain since he took office. This visit has further increased mutual understanding and trust between our countries.


  Next is the number four. Premier Wen Jiaobao has just concluded his fourth visit to Britain since he took office. This visit has further increased mutual understanding and trust between our countries. It has advanced our exchanges and cooperation across the board.  That advance is the benchmark of what happens every time Premier Wen visits - taking China-UK relations to a new level. The launch of the 48 Group Club Women Icebreakers cannot have happened at a better time. It coincides with the visit by Premier Wen Jiabao and that has created a solid foundation and favourable environment for China UK relations.

  最后是“50%”。可能人所皆知,中国有句著名的话:“妇女能顶半边天。” 在英国,我注意到女性的社会地位越来越高。本届英国议会下院女性议员有139位,创下历史之最。在中国,女性同样在各行各业大显身手,与男性平分秋色。就增进中英了解与合作来说,事实上,女性尽管人口占一半,但发挥的作用会“事半功倍”,因为女性具有特殊的辐射效应,她们的背后是所有家庭成员。所以,我对“女性破冰者”寄予厚望,期望你们成为推动中英关系发展的一支重要力量。我们会全力支持你们,并与你们一道,为中英关系长期稳定健康发展共同做出不懈努力。

  The final number in my mind is five, or 50% or a fraction - half. I am sure that many of you will know that famous Chinese saying: 'Women hold up half of the sky.' Women are playing a bigger role in Britain. I noticed that the present parliament has 139 women MPs, the largest number ever in history. China's women have enjoyed greater opportunity than ever before. The evidence is that women excel at all professions as equals of men. I have every confidence that you, Women 'Icebreakers', will become another important force for China-UK relations. We at the Chinese Embassy will do what we can to support you, and together, let us work for a stable and sound relationship between our countries.


  Again I warmly congratulate the 48 Group Club on launching the Women Icebreakers. I wish all its women members every success in building a powerful new contribution to China - UK relations.


  Thank you.



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